GSkill high-capacity memory modules 12.01.2009
Examining GSkill memory modules for professionals and enthusiasts. What is more important to us - a huge capacity or the high speed of the memory?

CPU Intel Core i7-920 (Bloomfield) 02.12.2008
The architectural differences from the Core architecture can be hardly called revolutionary, but the effect really vivid. We are testing the latest CPU in various modes, including the dual- and triple-channel memory modes

DDR3 memory: late 2008 16.11.2008
For a year since the DDR3 memory appeared on sale, its price has gone down substantially. We are examining the specifications and the overclocking capability of a few DDR3 memory modules

CPU AMD Phenom X3 8750 (Toliman) 12.11.2008
Three cores in a CPU is not yet four, but more than two. Trying to find out how the release of this "odd" processor is justified and what it is capable of

AMD Phenom X4 9850 – a top-end CPU at affordable price 05.09.2008
A review of AMD Phenom X4 9850 versus Intel Core 2 Quad Q9300 at the nominal frequencies and in overclocking. We analyze the scalability of Phenom X4 9850 depending on the number of cores enabled

CPU Intel Atom 230 (Diamondville) 19.08.2008
The assortment of Atom processors is quite wide, and includes two cores for various systems. This review presents specifications of various families and a research into performance on the example of the motherboard Gigabyte GC230D